Masaru Eshima
4 Steps to Getting Rid of a Cystic Pimple, Fast

4 Steps to Getting Rid of a Cystic Pimple, Fast

There are few things more frustrating than going to bed with clear skin and waking up with a mammoth zit on your face. And if it's a cystic blemish — the kind that's super sore and swollen and never comes to a head — it can be especially maddening since it seems like all you can do is wait, spackle it with concealer, and tell people it's a mosquito bite. While it's true that nothing short of a dermatologist-administered cortisone shot will get rid of a deep zit, there are some at-home steps you can take to bring down the...

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Masaru Eshima
List of Fruits That Can Help You Defeat Your Acne Problem

List of Fruits That Can Help You Defeat Your Acne Problem

Those of us that are engaged in a fierce battle with acne have likely already discovered one of its main causes. No, we are not talking about genetics, sun exposure, the quality of store-bought products or hygiene. A primary, inherent cause – and therefore solution, of acne can be recognized in the face of one’s diet. Indeed, the things you eat, and their concrete nutritious value, can have immense effects on your system. Why should it not be the same when it comes to your outer appearance?   Berries are famous for its ability in protecting your skin from damaging...

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Masaru Eshima
The most effective methods to get rid of blackheads

The most effective methods to get rid of blackheads

The human skin is covered with a huge number of pores – 100 pores per square centimeter. The sebaceous glands moisturize and protect the surface of the body through them. This is normal. However, sometimes the pores become littered with dead skin, dirt, and dust, and the top is clogged with sebum. Blackheads can appear. Most of all, this occurs in the places of the greatest activity of sebaceous glands: on the face (nose, forehead, chin), back and neck. In adolescence, during periods, pregnancy or menopause, inflammation on the skin can be triggered by the work of hormones. If you...

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