What is Placenta? What kind of Placenta suits you?

What is Placenta? What kind of Placenta suits you?

Placenta has been shown by researchers around the world to have outstanding uses in beauty care and human health. So what is placenta? What are the uses of Placenta? Which Placenta is the best for you? All answers are right here.


1. What is Placenta? Learn about the origin of Placenta

1.1. What is placenta?

Placenta is known as a particularly high-grade nutrient, derived from the placenta of mammals. (According to research by Dr. Mibayashi Ryukichi of the Department of Obstetrics and Gynecology, Kyoto University, Japan).

Placenta contains a huge store of nutrients, good for health and skin

The reason for calling placenta is a particularly high-grade nutrient because in the composition of the essence extracted from the placenta, it is rich in amino acids such as lysine, valine, leucine, threonine, etc. material to produce proteins.

Currently, placenta essence is extracted from many different sources, such as: pigs, horses, sheep, salmon, ... Many uses such as: preventing aging; white skin, especially to enhance health.

1.2. How to extract placenta?

Placenta or placenta extract is purified from fresh placenta. This process applies modern hydrolysis to produce peptides with extremely small molecular weight and a wide range of amino acids needed to provide moisture and firmness to the skin.

In addition, the placenta also contains estradiol and progesterone, which significantly affect the skin aging process, preventing the formation of wrinkles.

2. Effects of Placenta

2.1. Uses of placenta for health

According to scientific studies, the placenta contains “cell growth factors”. This helps promote cell division, and new cell production, promotes metabolic activities, and keeps cells in the body healthy.

Important growth factors contained in the placenta include:

  • Stem cells: liver tissue, types of tissue cell proliferation, ...
  • Neuron
  • Epidermis: skin epidermal cells, lungs, etc.
  • Fibroblasts: glial cells, blood vessels, etc.
  • Cartilage cells, smooth muscle
  • Conversion Growth Factor
  • Growth factor enhances immunity Cytokine: promotes the production of lymphokine, proliferation of thymocytes, ...

Placenta brings many great health benefits for both men and women

From being able to create new cells, placenta brings corresponding pharmacological effects such as stimulating cell activity, restoring health, stimulating the immune system to enhance resistance to disease; anti-allergic and keep the nervous system stable…

It is because of the broad effects mentioned above that the placenta becomes important to the medical profession. Especially in the treatment of dangerous diseases such as cancer, stroke, high blood fat, etc.

2.2. Uses of placenta in beauty

In addition to its health benefits, the placenta also contains a series of nutrients that are important to the skin.

Beauty for skin from placenta

With abundant nutritional ingredients, placenta helps to keep the skin smooth and naturally white.

Besides, this ingredient also helps to eliminate aging and wrinkles on the skin. After using, many people have a smooth, youthful skin and no longer rough or dry skin.

Using Placenta properly helps women have smooth, flawless skin

In addition, it is impossible not to mention the use of filling scars and pitting through the function of skin regeneration, collagen production to fill scars.

Placenta in the treatment of skin diseases

The reason why placenta is popular in the world is because they have both beauty and treatment effects on the skin. Specifically: dermatitis, bird's nest, eczema, acne, inflammation ...

With acne-prone skin, placenta has anti-inflammatory effects and clears acne, while helping to fade dark spots quickly.

Women who use products with placenta ingredients are likened to owning a "golden key" in beauty. A secret to help fight the aging process and prolong youth.

3. Top 3 types of placenta most used in beauty and body care products

    3.1. Pig placenta

    In pig placenta, 85-90% is water and the rest is nutritional components. These nutrients are very beneficial for the skin.

    Pig placenta helps to fade wrinkles caused by aging

    Wrinkles appear to be one of the obvious signs of age. In addition, aging skin can also be caused by genetic factors, environmental factors such as ultraviolet rays, alcohol, tobacco smoke or by the weakening of estrogen in the body.

    Pig placenta helps improve skin aging problems

    From the research results of a group of scientists at Kanazawa Japan University, it was found that: “Pig placenta has the effect of removing wrinkles on the facial skin thanks to its ability to stimulate the production of high collagen content from fibroblasts. subcutaneous fibers. At the same time, inhibiting the secretion of collagen-degrading enzyme."

    Placenta essence from pigs fights the formation of melasma, dark spots and freckles

    In pig placenta essence, there are high concentrations of minerals and amino acids, which inhibit the synthesis of melanin (the main cause of the appearance of melasma).

    Besides, the cell growth factors FGF, EGF help accelerate the skin regeneration process, making the epidermis layer renewed continuously. Thanks to this, melanin pigment is slowly removed from the skin, restoring healthy white skin without worrying about thinning.

    Another great effect that women love, is that pig placenta helps increase blood circulation under the skin, bringing a natural rosy and youthful look to the face.

    Pig placenta has the effect of balancing female hormones

    Using nutrients from pig placenta helps reduce uncomfortable symptoms during menstruation or perimenopause and menopause in women. Moreover, this food helps to balance hormones; Stimulates the production of estrogen to improve female sexual health.

    3.2. Sheep placenta

    The nature in sheep placenta contains a lot of nutrients. All ingredients contain more than 30 types of amino acids, groups of vitamins and minerals necessary for the life and growth of cells. Some outstanding effects of sheep placenta:

    Sheep placenta contains a lot of nutritional ingredients that are good for women's health and beauty

    Anti-Aging Sheep Placenta

    Sheep placenta is known for its high effectiveness in anti-aging. The ingredients contain many groups of vitamins, especially vitamin E, melatonin, etc., which help to fade wrinkles, prevent the activity of free radicals and reduce the aging of the body.

    Reduce dark spots, freckles

    For the problem of melasma, sheep placenta freckles support to improve smooth white skin, increase skin pigmentation, provide moisture and help the skin no longer dry and dull.

    Sheep placenta is similar to pig placenta, both have positive effects in the regeneration of red blood cells, making the skin white, smooth and ruddy. Also since then, the skin reduces dark spots, freckles and age spots.

    At the same time, the skin is increased elasticity, rejuvenated and becomes smoother.

    Hormonal balance

    Sheep placenta is known for its hormone-rich ingredients. This helps the female body restore and balance hormones, improving health. In addition, placenta from sheep also supports menstrual regulation, reducing pain when menstruation takes place in women.

    Another effect is that vitamins and minerals help support liver detoxification, detoxify the body and eliminate toxic substances.

    Improve immune system

    Sheep placenta ingredients provide an abundant source of nutrients, minerals and energy for the body, supporting the strengthening of resistance and immune system.

    Another effect that cannot be missed is that the placenta also has an anti-scarring effect on the skin. Shorten the healing process of tissue, regulate the oily layer on the skin,...

    3.3. Horse Placenta

    Scientists have studied and proven that in horse placenta contains quite high protein content. Name 6 amino acids and more than 30,000 different vitamins. Therefore, horse placenta becomes one of the most expensive ingredients in beauty.

    Effects of horse placenta in beauty:

    • Protects the skin from the harmful effects of ultraviolet rays, while promoting cell regeneration. Helps to remove long-term pigmentation and brighten skin tone.
    • Provides moisture to the skin, enhances elasticity and prevents skin sagging.
    • Fights skin oxidation, destroys and prevents the formation of free radicals that cause aging problems on the skin.
    • Horse placenta helps scars heal, and prevents scarring on the skin.

    Using horse placenta as a "shield" to protect the skin under the harmful effects of the environment

    In addition to the 3 types of placenta above, women around the world also prefer deer placenta because of the high amount of nutrients, bringing outstanding effects for both skin and health. However, the selection of placentas from animals also needs to be noted about the origin of the breed, the living environment as well as the care and technology of extracting the placenta from that animal.

    4. Who should use placenta?

      The placenta brings many health and beauty benefits to all women.​ However, because beauty care for women is a priority, placenta is considered a beauty method for those who "want to be beautiful". More specifically as follows:

      • Anyone who wants to have smooth, youthful and vibrant skin.
      • Women who have to work in air-conditioned offices and are exposed to a lot of computers or outdoor environments are suffering from the harmful effects of UV rays...
      • People with skin with freckles, dark spots, age spots, wrinkles
      • Acne-prone skin, helps prevent the formation of scars and dark spots left by acne.

      However, before using products from placenta, you should carefully study the ingredients to avoid an unfortunate allergic reaction.

      5. What form of Placenta is good?

        Placenta is one of the premium ingredients in beauty. There are many types of products as follows: serum, mask, drink, tablet, cream... So what are the pros and cons of each type of placenta, let's find out below.

        5.1. Placenta serum

        Placenta Serum is a liquid intensive skin care product. Serum contains a lot of nutrients and vitamins in the form of micro-molecules, which can be quickly and deeply absorbed into the skin.

        Advantages of placenta serum

        According to dermatologist Adam Geyer, "Serums contain microscopic molecules, the texture of serums is often lighter than moisturizers, along with key ingredients with a high concentration."

        Placenta serum has a very small texture, easily penetrates deep into the skin

        Using serum will help the skin quickly absorb micro nutrients

        Disadvantages of placenta serum

        The downside of the serum product line is that those with dry or combination skin using serums will cause skin dryness. Therefore, when using it, it is recommended to combine serum with moisturizer.

        Besides, serum will be more difficult to store than other forms. During use, it should be stored carefully, avoiding sunlight or else it will reduce the quality of the product.

        5.2. Placenta mask

        Advantages of the mask placenta

        Mask products are very favored by women in the process of skin care. Partly because of the relaxing feeling on the skin, partly because of the benefits that placenta brings, making placenta masks extremely popular.

        Placenta mask helps to relax the skin

        Disadvantages of the mask placenta

        Besides the advantages, the placenta mask still has many disadvantages. Because of the mask material, many users may be allergic to the mask material.

        Besides, the masking process has not been able to optimize the skin's desire. The care process is long and needs to be combined with other skin care steps. The number of times the mask should be used should not be too much, otherwise these products will have the opposite effect.

        5.3. Placenta drink

        Advantages of placenta drink

        The liquid placenta product line overcomes many disadvantages of other forms. In liquid form, nutrients will quickly enter the body and be thoroughly absorbed.

        Placenta liquid form is easy to drink, easy to absorb, the effect is optimized

        In addition to being used for the skin, the liquid form also has many good health benefits. Use the correct definition of "beautiful inside and out" of women.

        Placenta in liquid form has the advantage of being easy to use, quick to act, and has a noticeable effect after a short time of use.

        Disadvantages of placenta drink

        Because it is a water-based product, you need to store it in a cool, dry place; Avoid direct sunlight. You should minimize the risk of metamorphosis due to high temperature impact; for long-term use.

        5.4. Placenta tablets

        Advantages of placenta tablets

        The product is made in the form of a capsule that is easy to use, convenient to carry around, when traveling for work or on vacation.

        The product is easy to maintain and can be used for a longer time (Reference before use).

        Disadvantages of placenta tablets

        Because it is in tablet form, the time to show the effect of the product is usually longer than in other forms. To quickly treat problems on the face, it is necessary to have other supporting products.

        5.5 Placenta cream

        Advantages of placenta cream

        The cream overcomes the disadvantages of the serum form, when applied to the skin, the placenta cream will have the ability to maintain moisture for the skin. It is impossible to compare which is more necessary for the skin, but these two products can support each other in the process of skin care.

        Disadvantages of placenta cream

        However, besides the inherent advantages, the cream form still has disadvantages. Many customers have experienced and evaluated that placenta cream takes a long time to penetrate, feels sticky on the skin and has a slow effect.

        6. Which placenta should women use?

        Currently on the market there are many types of placenta, collagen placenta, but the liquid form has many advantages, so this article will review the good lines of pig placenta drinking water. These will be great suggestions for women who are wishing to use placenta water to take care of their beauty and perfect body.

        6.1. Products Koharu Placenta

        This is the world's leading product to help balance hormones and beautify the skin when it was awarded the prestigious Silver Award for quality by the Monde Selection Institute (Europe).

        Placenta Koharu has a faster absorption rate and is more effective than conventional products when placenta essences are produced by high-pressure extraction technology Charites PHH, resulting in placenta molecules of microscopic size and rich in nutrients.

        Placenta Koharu is popular in Asia

        Ingredients cytokines & epidermal growth factors EGF, dermal growth factor FGF help reduce pigmentation, dark spots, freckles, even skin tone.

        Meanwhile, the hormone-like chemical active ingredient combines the action of Zinc & Vitamin B to help balance women's hormones, minimizing menopausal symptoms such as hot flashes, insomnia, stress, confusion. menstrual disorders & osteoporosis.

        Abundant amount of collagen peptide (15,000mg), HA & Elastin acid, Coenzyme Q10, ... help skin healthy, effective anti-aging.

        6.2. Product 82X Placenta Classic

        Japan's leading hormonal and skin-beautifying product line. 82X Placenta Classic is highly appreciated for its absorption speed and effectiveness compared to conventional products.

        This is possible thanks to the high-pressure extraction technology Charites PHH can produce placenta molecules of microscopic size and rich in nutrients.

        82X Placenta Classic is Japan's leading hormonal balancer and skin beautifier

        Ingredients cytokines & epidermal growth factors EGF, dermal growth factor FGF help reduce pigmentation, dark spots, freckles, even skin tone.

        Meanwhile, the hormone-like chemical active ingredient combines the action of Zinc & Vitamin B to help balance women's hormones, minimizing menopausal symptoms such as hot flashes, insomnia, stress, confusion. menstrual disorders & osteoporosis.

        In addition, the abundant amount of collagen peptide (15,000mg), HA & Elastin acid, Coenzyme Q10, ... helps skin to be healthy, effectively anti-aging.

        6.3. Product 82X Placenta Sakura

        Dubbed the high-end Japanese Placenta version of the 82X Placenta Classic. Not only inheriting the advantages of the Placenta Classic line, 82X Collagen Sakura also has the ability to help maintain a slim body thanks to its peptide yeast ingredient.

        High-end 82X Placenta Sakura - creating a "perfect" appearance

        Placenta or placenta brings a lot of great uses for the beauty - physique of women. Through this article, we hope that you can understand what Placenta is and its uses. From there, it is easy to choose the best placenta extract product for yourself.

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