
News — 82x beauty

Huong Phan Lan
Unveiling the Power of Stemcell Collagen by 82X

Unveiling the Power of Stemcell Collagen by 82X

Are you on a quest for youthful, radiant skin? Look no further than 82X Stemcell Collagen, a revolutionary skincare elixir that combines cutting-edge technology with nature's finest ingredients. Let's dive into the magic of Stemcell Collagen and explore the enchanting world of stem cell rejuvenation!   The Essence of Collagen Tuna:At the heart of 82X Stemcell Collagen lies collagen tuna, an extraordinary blend enriched with 120,000mg of collagen sourced from the skin of ocean tuna. This premium collagen is meticulously processed using exclusive Kosoteki technology, resulting in ultra-small hydrolyzed particles that are easily absorbed by the skin. Infused with the...

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Huong Phan Lan
82x Stem Cell Collagen - Breakthrough "Rejuvenating Programming"

82x Stem Cell Collagen - Breakthrough "Rejuvenating Programming"

82X Stem Cell Collagen is an improved version of 82X Sakura Collagen, containing 120,000mg of collagen from tuna skin micro-hydrolyzed utilizing exclusive Kosoteki Technology, as well as 82 fermented plants, peptide enzymes, and other beneficial natural ingredients. Let’s find out everything together! All you need to know about 82x Stem Cell Collagen Collagen 82X drink is a product line that was wholly designed, studied, and produced in Japan. This sets it apart from other collagen supplement items on the market. To determine whether Collagen 82X is a good product, let's first get more specifics about this beverage line: A drink...

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Huong Phan Lan
Eye Serum - The secret to owning a beautiful eyes

Eye Serum - The secret to owning a beautiful eyes

The skin around the eyes is an area that women often rarely pay attention to, but this is the "softest" place on the eye face. The skin here is very prone to sagging and aging, causing loss of aesthetics on the face. But don't worry, let 82X reveal to you the quality eye serum lines as well as how to use them to get the most effect!

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The main functions of collagen and expert advice for taking collagen efficiency

The main functions of collagen and expert advice for taking collagen efficiency

Collagen is mentioned a lot in health care and beauty. So what is collagen? What are the effects of collagen? Following article to find more information. 1. What is collagen? Collagen is the protein that makes up connective tissues. The body can naturally produce about 25 different types of collagen. They make up 25% of the total protein in the human body. Collagen plays an important role in keeping skin healthy and elastic, supporting bones, ligaments, muscles, cartilage as well as internal organs. Collagen is divided into 4 types as follows: Type I : Makes up 90% of collagen in...

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