
News — 82x collagen

Huong Phan Lan
What are the effects of collagen on the skin? Learn about the functions of Collagen on the skin

What are the effects of collagen on the skin? Learn about the functions of Collagen on the skin

What effect does collagen have on the skin? How to supplement collagen to enhance the effect of collagen on the skin? This article will provide you with the benefits of collagen for the skin and how to supplement it effectively. 1. What is collagen? Based on scientific studies, collagen is a protein that makes up 70% of the structure of the skin. They are important in many metabolic activities of the body, and also stimulate the regeneration and repair of damaged skin.  The most collagen is found in the dermis, which helps to bind cells and form firm skin. See...

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Huong Phan Lan
What is collagen? Benefits of taking collagen

What is collagen? Benefits of taking collagen

Collagen is an ingredient that is being used a lot in beauty products. So what is collagen, how to supplement collagen, and which products are good? The answer will be in the next part. 4000 years ago, the Egyptians cooked the tendons and skins of animals to obtain a compound called "Collagen glue". This glue was later used as a musical instrument. By 1930, collagen molecular structure began to spread globally, being used in medicine, pharmacology, and cosmetics. The main role is not only in skin regeneration in the treatment of burns, but also applied in cosmetic surgery, dentistry, and...

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Masaru Eshima


What is the effect of water, tablets, powder and creams collagen? Let's find out the difference between the types of Collagen and have the right choice for your skin. Collagen cream - Apply directly to the skin you need care, effective fast. Match who want to look beautiful in a short time.- Do not have permanent effect on the skin and the whole body. Some information that people rarely understand: Collagen is only effective when it is in the dermis of the skin. Collagen can penetrate the horny scales on the surface of the skin to penetrate the dermis so...

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Masaru Eshima
7 Ways Collagen Can Boost Your Health

7 Ways Collagen Can Boost Your Health

1. Improves Health of Skin and HairCollagen also reduces cellulite and stretch marks. When skin loses its elasticity as a result of decreased collagen, there’s another side effect: more visible cellulite. Because your skin is now thinner, cellulite becomes more evident — no more hiding what’s happening below the surface. Improving your skin’s elasticity through collagen helps reduce that dimpling on your skin. 2. Reduces Joint Pains and DegenerationWith its gel-like, smooth structure that covers and holds our bones together, collagen allows us to glide and move without pain. Think of ingesting more collagen like greasing a creaky door hinge:...

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